
The Global School

The Global School at WPI supports innovative research and project-based learning to address the increasing complexity and diversity of global grand challenges such as health, energy, environment, food, water, mobility, and climate change. This year the Global School Forum focus' is on some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals that are at the heart of WPI’s interdisciplinary approach. 

Through our collaborations with partners across the globe in our network of global project centers, WPI students and faculty are working on many of the UN SDG's. Running through this year’s program is Climate Action (SDG13), one of the great global challenges of our era. Each term we will focus on another key area: Circular Economy and Sustainable Business (SDG12), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7), Quality Global Education (SDG4) and Global Health and Well-being (SDG3).

November 2, 2022; 6:00 PM EST: Higgins House

Energy and Climate Change, Lessons Shared from Aotearoa-New Zealand.  A Panel Discussion  

Stephen Batstone, Director of Whiteboard Energy, New Zealand

Cristiano Marantes, CEO, Ara Ake, Taranaki New Zealand

Antonia Burbidge, Manager - Climate Change Commission, Wellington, New Zealand 

John Campbell, CEO and Founder, Our Energy, Wellington New Zealand 

Jenny van der Merwe, Renewable Energy Lead, Kāinga Ora-Homes and Communities, Wellington, New Zealand

While we have seen widespread development of renewable energy technologies and attention to the critical need for a clean energy transition in order to minimize climate change impacts, this process does not always center attention on environmental justice as it proceeds. Please join us at The Global School Forum in B term, as we engage scholars, NGO and local government leaders, and the business sector to explore the ways we can transform our fossil-fuel-based global economy into a more sustainable system, anchored in clean energy that is accessible to all.