photo of Kim LeChasseurDr. Kimberly LeChasseur is the newest member of the Morgan Teaching & Learning Center and the Center for Project-Based Learning. Kimberly steps into a new role for WPI, serving as the Research & Evaluation Associate across the two centers. With a PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Temple University, Kimberly brings expertise in professional learning (such as mentoring and communities of practice), student-centered teaching and learning practices, and a range of research and evaluation methods. She joins us from the University of Connecticut where she was an Associate Research Professor with fifteen years of experience as an evaluator and researcher. A native of Worcester and first generation college graduate, Kimberly is also passionate about university community partnerships and issues of access and equity.

Kimberly’s role as Research & Evaluation Associate was created to support faculty and staff as they design and implement strategies to understand the extent to which their efforts lead to particular results. More than an evaluation consultant, Kimberly will also focus on building capacity for knowledge development and use and work with faculty engaged in scholarship of teaching and learning. Faculty and staff who have need of some conversation (and perhaps more) regarding their scholarship related to education or programming, upcoming evaluation projects, or dissemination and research use can schedule time with Kimberly through this Intake Survey for Requesting the Research & Evaluation Associate's Services. You may also find her on the first floor of 157 West St.