Upcoming summer programming from the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)

WriteNow Summer Session (May 17-Aug 8): This is a new 12-week online program specifically for graduate students and post-docs to support their writing and research productivity over the summer months. The program could help your research trainees make progress on articles, theses, and proposals, as well as related activities such as literature reviews and data analysis. WriteNow is an exclusive online platform that includes goal-setting and use of timers as well as placement in a small group for gentle accountability, mutual support, and community-building. Although many NCFDD programs are free for institutional members, this one does have a $145 registration fee. The registration deadline is May 8.

Every Summer Needs a Plan (Thu, May 14, 2-3pm EDT): This free-of-charge webinar is great for faculty as well as graduate students and post-docs. Participants are guided to identify both professional and personal goals for the summer and create a plan for accomplishing them.

The NCFDD website provides additional information about their core curriculum and guest webinars, 14-day writing challenges, and other resources.