
Data Science

The week of July 20, 2015 contained quite a bit of chatter across the newswires about public safety, ranging from monitoring threats in real time, disaster preparedness with data to the possibility of car hacks and the massive jeep recall. Advanced technologies bring risk and opportunities. Citizens, corporations and governments need to work together to ensure that they leverage new technologies and data to help mitigate and prevent threats to financial systems, nations, people, and more.

"By 2015," said Peter Sondergaard, senior Vice President of Gartner and global head of research, " 4.4 million IT jobs globally will be created to support big data, denerating 1.9 million IT jobs in the United States." We're well into 2015, and many analysts and pundits agree that a shortage of analytics skills does indeed exist.

Thankfully, having launched one of the first masters programs in data science in 2014, beginning in the fall of 2015 WPI is set to provide an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in the field.

...Perhaps a resolution to the data skills shortage problem is forthcoming.