Dear Graduate Students and Advisors,

We are launching our Fall 2019 Graduate Student Travel Fund application and process.  

The Fall 2019 round of competition closes October 11, 2019, so please apply before that time in order to be considered.  Going forward, we expect to have multiple deadlines per year.

We expect demand for funds to exceed the available supply.  If you do not receive funds in this round, please apply again.

The rules are as follows:

WPI Graduate Student Travel Fund

To apply for conference travel assistance, please complete the application found in the link below.  There are two parts.  The first part is completed by the graduate student.  When the student enters the advisor’s email address, a second part of the application will be sent directly to the advisor. Both parts must be completed for consideration and are due (both parts) by October 11, 2019.  Funding is competitive and limited, and a review process will be used to evaluate applications.

General Guidelines

·       All WPI graduate students are eligible to apply.

·       You can apply only if you are giving an oral or poster presentation at    a regional,  national, or international meeting.

·       Funds may not be used to attend a meeting if you are not the presenting author.

·       Funds may not be used for networking or collaborative visits that are not associated with a conference.

·       Funds cannot be used for society memberships.

·       Students may apply no more than once per academic year.

·       There is no limit on the number of graduate students from a Principal Investigator’s group that may apply each year, but this may affect the award decisions. 

·       If an award is being made, the student will be given $500 or $1000 towards the travel including conference registration, transportation to the meeting location, and hotel accommodations. (Meals are not covered by the Travel Fund.) The Principal Investigator or Department/Program should fund the rest of the costs. The student should not be responsible for these expenses.

·       All expense reports should be turned in to the Dean of Graduate Studies in Boynton Hall within one month of the date of the conference. Any funds not claimed within one month of the conference date will be forfeited.

Click here for the Graduate Student Travel Fund Application.


Best wishes,


Terri A. Camesano

Dean of Graduate Studies

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
