

During Alumni Weekend 2019, Dave Wheeler ’93, ’04 MS concluded his term as the WPI Alumni Association President and passed the gavel to newly-elected Mark Macaulay. Take a few minutes to get to know Mark and how you can stay connected to the WPI community. 

Mark Macaulay


  • BS Civil Engineering ’89 
  • MS Environmental Engineering ’94 
  • VP of Advanced CHP Applications, ZHP Systems
  • Mark’s son, Patrick, is in WPI’s class of 2021 

What did you like best about your WPI experience?

It was well rounded, a great academic experience intermingled with development experiences in FIJI and club sports.  As I get older, I look back at the extracurricular experiences with a smile as they definitely molded my approach to life.  


Why have you remained active in the WPI community?

During my undergraduate years, I was very active on campus and enjoyed everything to do with WPI.  After settling near Worcester, I naturally kept up with campus activities and enjoyed organizing alumni hockey events to keep the group getting together a few times a year.  


What is your favorite spot on campus?

The Beech tree!  It reminds me of first arriving on campus and driving by it to get to Daniels Hall, then passing it daily on the way to classes freshman year, and then graduation. It is a lasting reminder of my years on campus!


What’s your favorite movie?

I have lots of them, but love “Slapshot,” “Caddyshack,” and “Braveheart.”  


Where do you like to eat in Worcester?

The Boynton is hands down my favorite place to eat.  The updated layout is awesome and I've never had a bad meal there; plus their tap list is extensive and includes many Wachusett Brewery flavors!


How can alumni get involved and stay connected?

What's your passion?  I'm still involved with my fraternity, the WPI hockey club, the Alumni Association, and Tech Advisors Network.  They're all fun activities that I like coming back to campus for.  As there's hundreds of clubs and activities on campus, I'm sure that there's something for every alumnus to come back and get involved in