June's focus is on FISCAL YEAR END SECURITY. The end of the fiscal year is a busy time for an organization. Criminals exploit that by impersonating legitimate businesses and taking advantage of the likelihood that people may not have time to scrutinize requests. So check out the June SECURE IT for some cybersecurity tips for the fiscal year end.

In this issue:

  • Invoice Fraud: Recognizing and Preventing
  • WPI's Fraud Prevention Strategies
  • Red Flags
  • Example of a Fraudulent Invoice
  • Learning with Laughter
  • Featured Videos
  • In the News & by the Numbers
  • WPI Resources
  • Diversity in Cybersecurity



Ron Burgundy is sitting at a 1970's style news desk. He is glowering at the camera with text: "End of the fiscal year, and apparently, everything is urgent!"