3:00 - 4:00pm

Foisie Innovation Studio, 2nd Floor

Diamond Lounge

Join us for a conversation with WPI Alum Bob Mason as he shares how WPI’s project-based learning helped prepare him for life in Startups


Bob Mason ’94  

Investor, Advisor, Entrepreneur

Bob Mason is a Managing Director at Project 11, investing and advising in early stage startups, built upon his personal experiences being part of great founding teams that created new markets and successful, global businesses.

In 2004, Bob co-founded Brightcove (NASDAQ:BCOV), a leading provider of online video services that are used by thousands of customers across the world to publish and operate media experiences across PCs, smartphones, tablets and connected TVs. Previously, he was a founding member of the product team at ATG, an industry leading online commerce platform. ATG went public in 1999 and was acquired by Oracle in 2011. In both roles he provided technical and product leadership for the company’s vision, strategy and design.

Bob is passionate about the power of both for-profit and social impact entrepreneurs to better society and improve our local communities. To that end he mentors other startups through Techstars Boston and contributes towards “micro-genius grants” as a Trustee of The Awesome Foundation.