Elizabeth DiLoreto, PhD candidate in Biology & Biotechnology, receives Genetics Society of America Poster Award at the International C. elegans Conference.


Biology & Biotechnology

Elizabeth DiLoreto, PhD candidate in Biology & Biotechnology, receives Genetics Society of America Poster Award at the International C. elegans Conference. 

On June 28, 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland, the Poster Award Organizers recognized Elizabeth DiLoreto with a poster award during the 24th International C. elegans Conference.

This year’s conference brought together nearly 1700 scientists from around the world who all work with the model organism C. elegans. Over 1300 posters were presented in topics of cell biology, development, ecology and evolution, gene regulation and genomics, neurobiology, physiology, and science and society. Elizabeth was one of two students recognized for their poster presentations in the largest category of neurobiology. There were eight total posters recognized of the 333 up for awards.

Elizabeth is a member of the Early Career Leadership Program organized by the Genetics Society of America. This provides an opportunity for graduate students and post-doctoral candidates become involved in the scientific community early in their careers. There were additional opportunities for Early Career members to be involved during the conference. 

Elizabeth was able to attend this conference in part from a Graduate Student Travel Award from the Dean of Graduate Studies and funding from the lab of Dr. Jagan Srinivasan.