The WPI Toastmasters Club Presents

A Debate

Proposition:  The USA Should Adopt a Democratic   Socialist Form of Government


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

12:00pm to 1:00 pm

WPI Fuller Labs Building – Upper Perreault Hall

By all measures, the 2018 US election resulted in a “blue wave” of progressive congress women and men being swept into office.  Many are inspired by the philosophy of democratic socialism and two congresswomen have declared themselves as Democratic Socialists.    Senator Sanders espoused his view is that “Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy”.

Yet there is no denying the power of free-market capitalism as the engine of wealth generation, innovation and rise in living standards. Noted author, Johan Norberg wrote; “Capitalism has given people both the liberty and the incentive to create, produce, and trade, thereby generating prosperity.”     

WPI Toastmasters Club will present a debate on the above proposition.  Two of our members will take a position for the proposition and two members will represent the opposition.   We invite you to attend and collectively be the final judge on which team presents the most convincing arguments.  

The public is invited.  If interested in attending, please contact for directions and guest parking placard.