
Marketing Communications

Clocks have rolled back and the daylight hours have become shorter. It’s a good time to think about pedestrian and traffic safety, and to be alert as you traverse the campus and immediate off-campus areas.  

Traffic Safety 


  • Be alert and aware of your surroundings; avoid distractions—like your phone—that take your attention off vehicles and traffic. 

  • Whenever possible, cross at marked crosswalks or traffic lights, not in the middle of the block or between parked cars. 

  • Look all ways before crossing. 

  • Make sure drivers see you before you cross the street -- try to make eye contact with drivers before stepping off the curb. 

  • Cross only when traffic has come to a complete stop. 

  • At traffic lights, cross at the beginning of a green light.   

  • Do not cross once the “Don’t Walk” signal begins to flash or once the light has turned to yellow.   

  • Never cross on a red light. 

  • Watch for traffic turning at intersections or entering and leaving driveways. 

  • Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight and wearing bright or light – colored clothing or reflective strips when walking in dusk or darkness. 

  • It's safest to walk on a sidewalk, but if one is not available, walk on the shoulder and face traffic. 


  • Keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel. 

  • Don’t be distracted by talking to passengers, eating, drinking, or using your phone. 

  • Always yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. 

  • Always look for pedestrians, especially when turning. 

  • Stay alert.  

  • Slow down on residential streets and through school zones.  

  • Never pass a stopped car when approaching a marked pedestrian crosswalk. 

  • Always proceed with caution when passing any stopped vehicle. 

  • Always look for cyclists before opening your car door into traffic. 

  • Do not tailgate.  Maintain a sufficient distance from the car in front of you so that you will have plenty of distance to stop. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder 

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms often appear when daylight lessens in late Fall or early Winter and go away during the sunnier days of Spring and Summer.  Don’t brush off this yearly feeling as simply a case of the “winter blues” or a seasonal “funk” that you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year.  Talk to your health care provider or reach out to WPI’s Student Development and Counseling Center or Employee Assistance Plan (EAP).  The SDCC offers counseling and other mental health support on a confidential basis to undergraduate and graduate students. The EAP offers counseling and other behavioral/mental health support to employees and members of their households on a confidential basis and at no cost.   

In addition, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free, 24/7 service that can provide individuals with support, information, and local resources regarding suicide. Call them at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit


Thank you for working with us to increase safety and reduce the risk of accidents around the campus. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Campus Police at 508-831-5433 or the Student Affairs Office at 508-831-5201.