
Data Science

WPI was bustling on Data Day.

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Data Science Program Director Elke Rundensteiner, Ph.D., was invited to be the Keynote Speaker at  DATA DAY 2015 which was held on the WPI Campus in May, 2015. It was a day dedicated to Democratizing Data To Drive Community Change and it was a huge success! The event was geared toward data users of all levels, and was designed to help non-profit organizations, civic institutions, and municipalities expand their capacity for using technology and data in innovative ways in order to advance their individual goals. Every imaginable non-profit organization in central Massachusetts was represented at this remarkable event.

  • Poster Exhibitions
    Central Mass Workforce Investment Board
    Oak Hill CDC
    The Bridge of Central Massachusetts
    Abby's House
    Edward Street Child Services
  • Welcome:
    Linda Looft, WPI
    Larry Adams, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
    Holly St. Clair and Marc Draisen, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
  • Keynote Address:
    Elke Rundensteiner, Ph.D., WPI Data Science
    Big Data Analytics For Smarter Communities
  • Introducing the Central Massachusetts DataCommon
    Christopher Ryan, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
    Glen Eaton, Executive Director, Montachusett Regional Planning Commission
    Timothy J. McGourthy, Greater Worcester Research Bureau
    Laura Roberts, WPI Worcester Project Center
    Michael Hamel, MassIT

The afternoon was filled with hands-on workshops and visualization workshop presentations, U.S. Census and Simple Reports and more.