Cosme Furlong Is Inducted as Fellow of SEM
Marketing Communications
Payam Razavi, left, and Cosme Furlong in a WPI/CHSLT laboratory.
Cosme Furlong, professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and director of the Center for Holographic Studies and Laser micro-mechaTronics (CHSLT) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), has been inducted as a fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM).
Cosme Furlong poses with WPI students and SEM Fellow Cesar Sciammarella at a SEM conference. From left, PhD students Anthony Salerni and Daniel Ruiz-Cadalso; Furlong; Sciammarella; and PhD students Howard Zheng and Jonathan Oliveira-Luiz.
Furlong, one of two fellows inducted to the international society in 2024, was honored for lasting contributions to the common welfare through the invention and development of noninvasive, high-resolution optical metrology devices and their applications in dynamic analysis; nondestructive testing; materials and structural characterization; and medicine.
“Becoming an SEM fellow is certainly an honor, especially considering that one of the people involved in starting SEM was Professor M. Lawrence Price of WPI,” Furlong said. “Price, from our mechanical engineering department, worked on photoelasticity, optical metrology, and experimental stress analysis in the 1930s, and he was a pioneer in the field.”
Furlong’s teaching and research focus on the design, development, and application of photonic-and-mechatronic-based optical metrology methodologies for challenging applications in engineering science, particularly by miniaturization engineering through advanced microtechnologies and nanotechnologies.
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