
Data Science

Tom Jirele woos Data Science students

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WPI Data Science students were fortunate to have a fellow Data Scientist speak to them personally about their chosen career.

Cognizant Technology Solutions, a leader in global business and technology services, had their U.S. Data Science Lead, Tom Jirele, visit the WPI campus and give an overview presentation to Data Science students. He talked about Cognizant and how they use Data Science to drive value for their customers. He also described how the Cognizant Data Science program started, the types of work the group does, and how they expect it to evolve in the coming few years. Afterwards he held an open question and answer time.

On Wednesday, November 3rd, Tom will be back on campus to interview students interested in the opportunities presented by Cognizant.

About Tom Jirele, Cognizant U.S. Data Science Lead:

A graduate of Brown University, Tom Jirele utilized his Masters Degree in Statistics while working with great minds like John Tukey, Howard Wainer and Paul Holland. He has developed advanced algorithms for computer adaptive testing, social media prediction, Bayesian forecasting, and recommender engines, to name a few. Tom has also been a guest lecturer at many universities and taught graduate seminars for the Department of Education.