The Center for Global Public Safety (CGPS) was introduced to the WPI community at a reception that was held at the Goat’s Head restaurant on March 8, 2018.  

The reception, which was hosted by the Office of the Dean of Engineering, began with overviews of the Center by CGPS co-directors Prof. Jianyu Liang and Prof. Milosh Puchovsky.  Then brief presentations were given by recipients of recently awarded CGPS seed grants.  

 The reception was attended by Prof. Kent Rissmiller (Dean of IGSD), Ms. Karen Bean (WPI Advancement), Thea Thoreaux (WPI Advancement), and a number of faculty and staff engaged in the CGPS seed grant program. The initiation of the CGPS seed grants was announced by President Laurie Leshin and Provost Bruce Bursten at a Celebration of Engineering Reception that was held at in Alden Hall on February 19, 2018.  

The reception was part of National Engineers Week at WPI.  It attracted a number of WPI faculty and staff, as well as some undergraduate/graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows.  The research group recipients in the seed grant competition were introduced by the Vice Provost for Research, Prof. Bogdan Vernescu.  

Center for Global Public Safety Reception

Bernard M. Gordon Dean of Engineering, Wole Soboyejo, describes the vision of the Center for Global Public Safety

Celebration of Engineering Reception

Vice Provost for Research, Bogdan Vernescu; Director of Operations, Engineering, Pam St. Louis; President, Laurie Leshin