Center for Global Public Safety Annual Symposium
Center for Global Public SafetyThe Center for Global Public Safety held the annual CGPS Symposium on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.
There were two keynote talks given. The first by Prof. Hui Zhang, Vice Chairman of Chinese Public Safety Association and Director of the Institute of Public Safety Research at Tsinghua University and the second by Dr. Judy Jeevarajan, Vice President of Research in the Electrochemical Safety Research Institute for Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Prof. Zhang discussed the outlook of China beyond COVID-19 and Dr. Jeevarajan addressed Current Challenges and the Future of Lithium Ion Battery Safety.
There was an Academic-Industry Panel discussion moderated by WPI Schwaber Professor Hal Walker. The theme was Emerging Contaminants & Water Technologies. Panelists included:
- Peter Tunnicliffe ’74 of CDM Smith
- Bob Ferrari ’74 of Northeast Water Solutions
- Natalie Farny of WPI, Asst Professor, Biology & Biotechnology
- John Bergendahl of WPI, Assoc Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Event Video