
George C. Gordon Library

A preprint is the version of an article before it is submitted to a journal for peer review. Preprint servers are online repositories of these early versions of papers.

Preprint servers are now commonly used, and many disciplines have at least one established preprint server.

Well known examples include:

  • ArXiv (physical sciences) 
  • SocArXiv (social sciences)
  • bioRxiv (biology)


Preprints offer many benefits to authors, including:

Speed of publication - giving other researchers a chance to see your research faster than with the normal publication process

Authorship credit – providing public documentation of date of publication

Review (Informal) opportunities – allowing others to offer feedback and advice before submitting to a journal and a formal peer review process

Research impact – the research becomes publicly available and the preprint can be cited by others.


For additional information, see:



 Advancing Access: Open Access Publishing & Preprints in the Biomolecular Sciences

Tuesday, October 25, 2022: 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Attendees can expect to hear talks by leading figures in scientific publishing, including an editor at the forefront of open access publishing and a leader of BioRxiv.This pioneer in the preprint movement will tell you all about preprint services, which are open-access online databases that host and distribute findings before they are published in a peer-reviewed journal, offering a forum for public access and discourse. Our event will also highlight preLights, a service that spotlights preprints of particular interest.


Dr Randy Schekman
The Future of Publication is Open Access @Founding editor, eLife

Dr Richard Sever
Communicating at the speed of science @Co-founder, BioRxiv



Trends in Peer Review of Open Access Preprints
Wednesday, October 26, 2022:  11 AM – 12 PM

Hosted by Alison Fromme of ArXiv 
Speed or research is a major feature of open access preprint platforms like arXiv - formal peer review can follow later after rapid distribution of results. However, as submissions to arXiv and other preprint servers have grown, many researchers are seeking new avenues for community feedback and peer review. At this panel discussion, leaders in preprints and peer review will discuss current trends in virtual overlay journals, open peer reviews, and more.


  • Peter Coles, PhD, Theoretical Cosmologist at Maynooth University in Ireland and Managing Editor of The Open Journal of Astrophysics
  • Jessica Polka, PhD, Executive Director of ASAPbio
  • Antti Mikael Rousi, PhD, Senior Advisor, Research Services at Aalto University, Finland
  • Steinn Sigurdsson, PhD, Professor of Astronomy at Penn State University and arXiv Scientific Director