
George C. Gordon Library

“Vast amounts of open-access climate and biodiversity data are today allowing important theories in ecology and evolution to be tested and better connected to effective measures to safeguard the future of Earth’s biodiversity. As one of the biggest threats to our planet, climate change has implications for researchers and organisations working across numerous disciplines. For example, the authors of a 2019 Phil Trans B modelling study used published data to model the influence of climate change on Black Sigatoka disease in bananas. In this case, the research spanned both epidemiology and climate science to shed light on an important topic of concern. Bananas are an important staple food crop in many developing countries, both for sustenance and income. Increased threats from infectious diseases will further exacerbate the challenges faced by those who rely on them. Robust data collection, storage and dissemination can also help us build up a picture of long- and short-term patterns of changes in the climate.  A recent J. R. Soc. Interface study used data spanning 1902 to 2016 to investigate the effect of the climate on annual spring hay yield . By applying the results to future climate models, it is predicted that yields will continue to decline by up to 48–50%.”




Open Data - the next 10 years

Friday, October 28 2022 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

University of Aberdeen Open Research Team

Consider the future of Open Data with our panel of Open Data experts from across the

UK as they share their predictions for the next 10 years with us.

Chaired by Susan Halfpenny, Head of Research and Learning Information Services, University of Aberdeen.

To register: