The Educational Development Council (EDC), the Academic Technology Center (ATC), and the Morgan Teaching and Learning Center have announced internal grant opportunities for 2018 aimed at supporting innovation in undergraduate and graduate education. Funds totaling $75,000 will be distributed using two mechanisms:

  1. Faculty Learning Community Grants: A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a small group of faculty (and staff, as appropriate) from multiple disciplines engaging in inquiry and action around a central theme. FLC themes emerge from faculty interests. Possible themes include, but are not limited to, topics from recent years: Reflections, Connections, and ePortfolios; Project-Based Courses; and Global and Intercultural Competency. Proposals for additional FLC themes are encouraged and will be generated during a wine and cheese social gathering on November 30 (4-6pm, Higgins House). The EDC and ATC will decide the theme(s) for which formal applications will be solicited based on brief Statements of Interest submitted by December 10. The decision will be announced before the holiday break, and applications will be due on February 1, 2018.
  2. Independent Project Grants: These grants support bold new initiatives that enrich learning in classrooms, laboratories, and projects. This grant mechanism is intended for applicants whose project does not fit with a FLC theme and for those who cannot or do not wish to commit to the regular interaction of a FLC. These proposals will also be due on February 1.

The Call for Proposals and Program Guidelines provide full details and application procedures for both types of grants.