Campus Departments,


Are you interested in an activity that is engaging for students, faculty, and staff on campus? Do you want to show some WPI pride and celebrate our history on Founders Day? If so, please consider joining in the first 2020 Founders Day Window Decorating Contest!

Participation would consist of being assigned a WPI founder and decorating an exterior-facing window in your office or department. If you do not have an exterior-facing window, you will be assigned one in a separate location on campus. If you would like to participate remotely, you are welcome to decorate a door or window in your own home as well! Without sharing the name of the founder in the design, you will need to help provide clues so community members and students can guess which founder your office is representing. Students who guess correctly will have the chance to win some exciting prizes!

The departments or offices who participate will also have the chance to be entered into a raffle to win WPI merchandise.

We hope that you will consider participating in this great community-building event, having some fun with your colleagues, and help to provide a fun and educational activity for our students! You will be provided with guidelines and a description of the founders in case you need to brush up on your WPI history once you sign up! We hope you will have some fun celebrating:

  •  John Boynton
  • Icabod Washburn
  • Emory Washburn
  • David Whitcomb
  • Charles O. Thompson
  • George Frisbie Hoar
  • Philip Moen
  • Seth Sweester
  • Stephen Salisbury II

To participate, fill out this form by Wednesday, November 4th and if you have any questions or concerns please contact Ann Ogilvie at



Anne Ogilvie, Director for Team Learning

Emily Perlow, Associate Dean of Students

Christine Sharry, Assistant Dean of Student Activities