
George C. Gordon Library

Wikipedia is the fifth most popular site on the Internet, yet women, people of color, and non-Western cultures are systematically underrepresented in its content.

In remote areas of the world, entire villages may have never been mapped, due to lack of government funding or the interests of private companies.

Researchers studying climate science, the universe, and biodiversity are faced with a flood of information and minimal resources for analyzing it.

WPI Digital Volunteers is a monthly event series that brings the WPI community together to contribute to crowdsourced projects that have a global impact. The series launches with an Edit-a-thon for Native American Heritage Month on November 15, 11am-1pm, sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Gordon Library. Future events may include transcribe-a-thons, citizen science projects, map-a-thons, hack-a-thons, and more Wikipedia edit-a-thons.

WPI Digital Volunteers events will take place in the Shuster Lab for Digital Scholarship, a new space in the Gordon Library dedicated to learning, practices, and projects involving digital scholarship.