Announcing Class of 1957 Teaching Development Travel Grants
Morgan Teaching & Learning Center
These $1,500 grants enable faculty to connect with external communities by attending a teaching/education-related conference or institute in the next 12 months, for purposes of professional development related to teaching and learning and/or to disseminate their own work.
Teaching Development Travel Grants provide support for faculty to participate in a conference or external institute/workshop that focuses on pedagogy, assessment of student learning, curriculum design, or the scholarship of teaching and learning. The primary intent of the grants is to enable WPI faculty to connect with external communities: to learn from national teaching scholars and practitioners and to apply what they learn to their teaching, scholarship, or leadership practice, and/or to disseminate their own work. The grants are made possible by the generosity of the Class of 1957 through its Excellence in Teaching Fund.
The guidelines document linked below provides details about eligibility, appropriate uses, amount of funding, the application and review process, and grant obligations.
The next application deadline is April 14, 2025. Please contact with inquiries.