

Andreas von Huene ’78

It may seem that mechanical engineering major Andreas von Huene ’78 took a less traditional approach to using his STEM education, but for the artist, teacher, and engineer, his WPI experience is never far from his work. Today the accomplished sculptor enjoys a successful career creating carefully refined sculpture over a wide range of subjects, media, and scales. 

Read on to learn more about von Huene’s remarkable career.

Q. Please tell us a little about your work. 

A. As an independent sculptor in both abstract and figurative realms, I get to work with colleagues, suppliers, and specialists in media such as bronze, wood, and granite. I enjoy this cross-discipline project world which makes partners of people, art, and technology. Adventure beckons as each project is a new combination of goals, circumstances, and learning. I am fortunate in being part of a collegial field and am active in furthering the next generations of sculptors. 

Q. Please talk about your relationship with WPI.
A. My relationship with WPI is one of enduring admiration for its students and programs, and as an advancing university. As a hands-on artist, I appreciate the cross-fertilization of mind and soul that WPI encourages. WPI helps its students grow in manifold ways while expanding its purpose as an educational institute.


Andreas von Huene ’78 sculpture

Q. What drew you to WPI, and how was your overall WPI education experience?
A. I was attracted to the WPI Plan as a way of educating the whole person. Part of the WPI experience is being among those who strive to understand and are infectious in their enthusiasm for learning. Being in a culture of people who also do things is exhilarating.

Q. How have the education and life skills you gained at WPI gone on to serve you in your career?  
A. It is said that a good education opens the mind. Being among others on this quest builds an expectation of life-long learning. I am glad to be challenged with new understandings most every day.  

Q. Is there anything you’d like to add?     
A. WPI offers amazing educational opportunities along with a culture of accessibility. WPI students can interact with interesting professors as well as local and global project partners. It is a special institute that cross-fertilizes on so many levels.