

“By advocating for women at WPI through WIN, I hope to level the playing field for women at WPI and help them find their voices as they navigate their STEM careers.”
Karen Oliver ‘82


Karen Oliver '82

Karen Oliver '82

The Women’s Impact Network (WIN) is a women-led philanthropic organization which awards 100% of their Impact Grant Program donations to WPI students, faculty, staff, and alumnae—across the university’s local and global community. In WIN’s 8-year history the organization has funded 90 impact grants totaling $1.6M. WIN Executive Committee Member, Karen Oliver ’82 recently shared why she supports this impactful organization.

Q. What motivates you to support the Women’s Impact Network (WIN) at WPI?
A. I am passionate about supporting and advancing women in STEM.  When I was at WPI, there were about 50 women in my class. Women had fewer opportunities than our fellow male students and very few female mentors. I believe having the support of a women's STEM professional organization like WIN would have had a positive impact on my college and career experiences. Through WIN, I hope to provide women in the WPI community better opportunities and mentorship to help them pursue STEM careers and remain in STEM fields.

Q. What do you hope your gifts of time, talent, and treasure will achieve for future generations of women at WPI and women in STEM?
A. I would not have achieved the successes I've had without the belief and support of others. Without the financial, academic, and community support that WPI provided, I would not have been able to graduate from WPI or have a successful STEM career. I want to create a culture of advocacy and support of women in STEM fields at WPI. Hopefully the women we help today will in turn advocate and support other women, especially at WPI, in the future.

Women are still underrepresented in STEM fields and need support at all stages of their career journey. WIN's commitment to the advancement of women in STEM strives to provide that support, but they can’t do it alone. Please consider supporting WIN here. 
