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It's been another busy summer here at the Academic Technology Center. We've been going non-stop this Spring and Summer to prepare for all possible unknowns, and make the Fall term go as smoothly as possible despite the unpredictability!

We just had our annual New Faculty Orientation today, and although it was "virtual" it was great to connect with all the fabulous new faculty coming on board this year. The Technology for Teaching and Learning Team is currently remote to help efforts to de-densify campus. (Remote is great and all, but I heard today that Dunkin' reopened and I'm definitely starting to get a bit homesick for campus!)

Although we can't see you all in person, here's our usual bit to remind you of the services the ATC offers to help you get ready for Fall, with a #TechFlex #WPITogether slant.

  1. The Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) team is currently remote for A-Term. We can help you with the tools you use every day like Echo360, Studio, Ensemble, Zoom, Canvas, Poll Everywhere, and Qualtrics. We also have 2 Instructional Designers on the team who can help you design an engaging experience for your students no matter where you're teaching from and where your students are. The Academic Technology Center A/V team is working on campus at 50% capacity for equipment borrowing and classroom technology help.
  2. All WPI classrooms are now equipped with Echo360 Lecture Capture recording. If you want to broadcast live to remote students, you can do it with Echo! Zoom is not recommended for live streaming lectures in the classrooms. To connect your Canvas course to your Echo recordings, please use our form.
  3. All courses that are listed in Banner receive a blank Canvas course site, ready for your customizations! To request changes to that site (merge multiple sections, add TAs, or import older content) please use our form.
  4. Want a Canvas site for something not class related? Please use our form to request a brand new site.
  5. Looking for training? We're offering live (virtual) trainings as well as pre-recorded trainings from our team. Check out our Workshops page for the schedule of live trainings, and the On Demand Trainings page for previously recorded trainings. We also love doing one-on-one trainings, if you'd like one please email us at

Not sure what you need? Other questions? Email and we'll point you in the right direction.