KEEN Outstanding Faculty Award Awarded by Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) This award is given in recognition of a commitment to instilling the entrepreneurial mindset in engineering students at WPI. Browse Award Recipients Year Dates2015 Award Name - Award Name -Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania Honorary MemberAdvisor of the YearAfrican, Latino/Hispanic, Asian and Native American (ALANA) Consortium AwardsAlbert H. Schwieger Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement (by a SIM graduate)American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowAmerican Heart Association FellowshipAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers FellowAmerican Physical Society FellowAmerican Society for Engineering Education FellowAmerican Society for Metals FellowAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Ben Sparks AwardAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers FellowAmerican Statistical Association FellowAndrew Holt Memorial AwardAPMI International (Powder Metallurgy) FellowAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence FellowAthletic Hall of FameAVS, the Science and Technology Society FellowBenjamin A. Gilman International ScholarshipBernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation In Engineering & Technology EducationBoard of Trustees' Award for Outstanding Academic AdvisingBoard of Trustees' Award for Outstanding Research & Creative ScholarshipBoard of Trustees' Award for Outstanding Staff MemberBoard of Trustees' Award for Outstanding TeachingCARE (Courageous, Aware, Responsible, Exceptional) AwardCarl F. Meyer Improvement Award in CEECEE Advisory Board MQP AwardChair's Exemplary Faculty PrizeCharles O. Thompson Scholar Outstanding Member of the ClassClass of 1879 Prize for Outstanding Projects in the HumanitiesCORE AwardsCrimson and Gray AwardsDenise Nicoletti Trustees' Award for Service to CommunityDiversity Program of the YearEdwin Coghlin β23 Award for Community ServiceEdwin βTedβ Coghlin Jr. β56 Humanitarian Leadership Award Emerging Leader of the YearFrank D. DeFalco AwardFulbright ScholarsFulbright SpecialistFulbright U.S. Student AwardGates Cambridge ScholarshipGoat's Head Award for Lifetime Commitment to WPIGraduate Research Innovation Exchange AwardsGreat Problems Seminar (GPS) Poster Presentation Winners Herbert F. Taylor Alumni Award for Distinguished Service to WPIi3: Investing in Ideas with ImpactIchabod Washburn Young Alumni Award for Professional AchievementIEEE Power & Energy Society ScholarshipInnovator of the YearInstitute for Combinatorics and its Applications FellowInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers FellowInstitute of Physics (UK) FellowInstitution of Electrical Engineering (UK), Fellow/CompanionIntegrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) FellowshipJohn Boynton Young Alumni Award for Service to WPIKalenian AwardKEEN Outstanding Faculty AwardMarietta E. Anderson AwardMarshall ScholarshipMinerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) FellowNational Science Foundation CAREER AwardNational Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipsOrganization of the YearOutstanding Women Student AwardsPeer Learning Assistant of the YearPresident's IQP AwardsProfessor of the Year (Massachusetts)Program of the YearProvost's MQP AwardsRhodes ScholarRobert H. Goddard Alumni Award for Outstanding Professional AchievementRomanian Academy of Technical Services at Polytechnic University at Bucharest Honorary DoctorateRomeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate EducationRotary Ambassadorial ScholarshipRoyal Historical Society FellowSalisbury PrizeSigma Xi Graduate Research AwardSigma Xi Outstanding Junior Faculty AwardSigma Xi Outstanding Senior Faculty AwardSigma Xi Undergraduate Research AwardSociety for Applied Anthropology FellowSociety for in Vitro Biology FellowSociety of Fire Protection Engineering FellowSociety of Women Engineers ScholarshipsStrage Innovation AwardStudent Employee of the YearSustainability Project CompetitionTau Beta Pi ScholarshipTeaching Assistant of the YearThe Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education FoundationTruman ScholarshipTwo Towers PrizeUdall ScholarshipWilliam R. Grogan Award for Support of the Mission of WPIWilmer L. and Margaret M. Kranich PrizeWPI Award for Distinguished Service Awarded by - Awarded By -Academy of Technical Sciences of RomaniaAmerican Association for the Advancement of ScienceAmerican Institute of Chemical EngineersAmerican Physical SocietyAmerican Powder Metallurgy Institute InternationalAmerican Society for Engineering EducationAmerican Society for MetalsAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersAmerican Statistical AssociationAmerican Vacuum Society (Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing)Association for the Advancement of Artificial IntelligenceAWABureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of StateCambridge UniversityCouncil for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of TeachingFulbright ProgramFulbright U.S. Student ProgramHarry S. Truman FoundationInstitute for Combinatorics and its ApplicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersInstitution of Electrical Engineering (UK)Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)Marshall Aid Commemoration CommissionMinerals, Metals, and Materials SocietyNational Academy of EngineeringNational Science FoundationPolytechnic University of BucharestRhodes TrustRotary FoundationRoyal Historical SocietySociety for Applied AnthropologySociety for in Vitro BiologySociety for Women EngineersSociety of Fire Protection EngineeringTau Beta Pi - The Engineering Honor SocietyThe Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education FoundationUdall FoundationWorcester Polytechnic InstituteWPI Alumni Association Recipient Type - Recipient Type -AlumniStaffAthleticsFacultyFulbright AwardGraduateStudent GroupUndergraduate Department(s) - Department -Academic Advising OfficeAcademic Technology CenterAccounts PayableAdvancementAerospace EngineeringAir Force Aerospace StudiesAnnual GivingArchitectural EngineeringArchives & Special CollectionsArtificial Intelligence Bioinformatics & Computational BiologyBiology & BiotechnologyBiomedical EngineeringBursar's Office (Student Accounts)Career Development CenterCenter for Well-BeingChemical EngineeringChemistry & BiochemistryCivil, Environmental, & Architectural EngineeringComputer ScienceController's OfficeCybersecurityData ScienceDean of StudentsDining ServicesDivision of Talent & InclusionEast Asia HubElectrical & Computer EngineeringEnterprise Information SystemsEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental Health & SafetyEqual Opportunity & OutreachEvents OfficeExternal RelationsFacilities OfficeFinance & OperationsFinancial Planning & AnalysisFinancial ServicesFire Protection EngineeringFirst Year ProgramGeneral CounselGlobal Experience OfficeHealth ServicesHousing & Residential Experience CenterHumanities & ArtsID ServicesIndustrial EngineeringInformation Technology ServicesIntegrative & Global StudiesInteractive Media & Game DevelopmentInternational & Global StudiesInternational Student and Scholars OfficeIT Infrastructure & OperationsIT SecurityIT Services & SupportLearning Sciences & TechnologiesLiberal Arts & EngineeringMail ServicesManufacturing EngineeringMarketing CommunicationsMaterials Process EngineeringMaterials Science & EngineeringMathematical SciencesMechanical & Materials EngineeringMilitary ScienceNeuroscienceOffice of Accessibility ServicesOffice of Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Education (ODIME)Office of SustainabilityOffice of the ProvostPayrollPhysical EducationPhysical Education, Recreation & AthleticsPhysicsPlanned GivingPower SystemsPre-Collegiate Outreach ProgramsPrinting ServicesProcurementProfessional WritingProperty ManagementPsychological ScienceRegistrarRobotics EngineeringRubin Campus CenterSocial Science & Policy StudiesSponsored Programs AccountingSTEM Education CenterStudent ActivitiesStudent Development & Counseling CenterSystems EngineeringTechnology Innovation and EntrepreneurshipThe Business SchoolThe Innovation StudioThe Ombuds OfficeUndergraduate AdmissionsUniversity AnalyticsUser Success and ExperienceVice Provost for ResearchWPI Faculty GovernanceWPI Police Search for award winners by name Year Recipient Name Awarded by Type 2015 Glenn Gaudette KEEN Outstanding Faculty Award Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) Faculty