Boston/Extended Area Network of Schools (BEANS)

A graphic of Massachusetts with a location market for each of the school included within B.E.A.N.S

Welcome from Brandeis University, College of the Holy Cross, Emerson College, Simmons University, and WPI!

The Boston/Extended Area Network of Schools (BEANS) Tour provides counselors with the opportunity to explore five outstanding colleges with your colleagues from around the world. Counselors will meet with admissions representatives, current students, and faculty members, to learn more about these esteemed institutions.

On this page, you can learn more about how the tour is structured, and check out some information from each of the participating institutions.

Travel and Accommodations

Participants selected for BEANS will be asked to provide preferences and requests regarding room accommodations and travel options. Please note that BEANS is a fly-in program; as such we typically select participants from outside of New England, New York, and New Jersey.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do you consider when selecting the final BEANS Tour participants?
A: The host institutions determine the final participants based upon a numbers of factors—among them are geographic diversity. Because BEANS is a fly-in program, the committee typically looks for counselors from areas outside of New England, New York, and New Jersey. Additionally, we look to provide opportunities to colleagues from secondary schools, CBO’s, and Independent Counselors, that have not recently been represented at BEANS.

Q: Can more than one counselor per school or staff member per organization attend the BEANS Tour?
A: Only one counselor per school or staff member per organization may attend the BEANS Tour each year. 

Q: What costs is the college counselor responsible for?
A: The following expenses are the responsibility of the college counselors:

  • Travel to and from home to the train/bus station or airport you are using
  • Additional baggage/checked baggage expenses
  • Travel from airport to Boston Hotel
  • Parking at the train/bus station or airport
  • Dry-cleaning, movies, and room service in the hotel room
  • Dinner in Boston on Monday evening
  • Meals and accommodations in Boston should you choose to arrive pre-tour or remain post-tour to visit other colleges, or family and friends in the area

Q: Is it possible to have a single room to myself?

A: Yes! BEANS participants are not asked to share a room at the Lenox or AC Marriott.

Q: Is there time to check email and voicemail while on the tour?
A: The schedule for the tour is comprehensive. Typically, participants board the bus between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. and are busy with the tour for the entirety of the day, including dinner on two of the evenings. This leaves very limited time to access email and handle business details while on the tour. Each hotel has a business center which will provide services; please do not plan to check email during your visits to the five colleges.

Q: Once I fill out the pre-registration online, when will I find out if I have been selected to participate in an upcoming BEANS tour?  
A: You will be notified no later than the end of January.

Q: Is it possible for me to leave early or arrive late to the tour?
A: Unfortunately, no. Each of the five institutions has planned exciting programs for your stay and we expect all participants to be present for all college visits.

Q: Will I be able to meet with former students from my high school or organization?
A: Each college or university will make every effort to contact former students from your high school or organization to allow you to meet with them during your campus visit. If there is a specific student you hope to reach, please feel free to contact the tour planning committee member from that institution to work out the details.

Q: What if I have a dietary restriction or accessibility concern?
A: No problem! We will request this information from you once you have registered for the tour in order to make the appropriate accommodations.

Sample Schedule at a Glance (Actual Schedule May Differ)

Sunday, Day 1
Arrive at The Lenox Hotel
5:30 PM Registration
Dinner in Boston

Monday, Day 2
Programs at Simmons and Brandeis
Free Evening to explore Boston

Tuesday, Day 3
Programs at Emerson and WPI
Arrive at AC Marriott in Worcester
Dinner at the Worcester Art Museum

Wednesday, Day 4
Program at Holy Cross
Return transportation to Boston for departure

Participating Institutions