Student Support by Program

Discover the dedicated support team ready to help you navigate your graduate journey at WPI. Here you'll find your contact by program who can provide guidance, answer questions, and connect you with resources tailored to your academic and career goals.

Student Success Team

The role of Student Success Manager is to support students throughout their journey at WPI in a way that is complementary to the academic advising they receive in their departments. The Student Success team help students by providing quick answers to their questions, helping them overcome obstacles, and showing them how to access important services offered by the university. They will connect regularly with the student, via phone and email, to ensure they are equipped with the tools to succeed in every course they take.  For general questions, please email: For PhD Students, please email: .    

Student Engagement and Recruiting (Enrollment)

The role of the Student Engagement and Recruiting (Enrollment) Manager is to support prospective students while they explore their options for graduate study at WPI. Student Engagement and Recruiting Managers provide prospective student insight into graduate program details and requirements, the application process, and life as a graduate student at WPI. Student Engagement and Recruiting Managers are available to connect with prospective students through zoom, email or phone to ensure students are equipped with all the information and support they need to make the next step in their academic journey. If you are unsure of your program of interest, or if you have general questions, please email

WPI encourages applicants who are Service members to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or another educational counselor within their area of military service prior to enrolling at WPI.

Program Student Success Manager
(Current Students)
Enrollment Manager 
(Prospective Students)
All PhD Students in 1st or 2nd year of study Jane Lesniewski  
All PhD Students beyond 2nd year of study Rory Flinn  
Aerospace Engineering Cam Rouleau Leslie Mora
Applied Mathematics Greg Cesar Michael Navarrete
Applied Physics Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Applied Statistics Greg Cesar Michael Navarrete
Architecture Samantha Doherty Liz Desrosiers
Artificial Intelligence Lori Kendall-Taylor Liz Desrosiers
Artificial Intelligence in Business (Grad. Cert) Lori Kendall-Taylor Michael Navarrete
Biochemistry Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Biology & Biotechnology Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Biomanufacturing Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Biomedical Engineering Meghan Sweeney Tom Bolio
Bioscience Management Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Business Administration Samantha Doherty Michael Navarrete
Business Analytics Kira Clary Michael Navarrete
Chemical Engineering Elizabeth Giangrande Leslie Mora
Chemistry Meghan Sweeney Tom Bolio
Chemistry: Medicinal Plant Focus Meghan Sweeney Tom Bolio
Civil & Environmental Engineering Samantha Doherty Leslie Mora
Community Climate Adaptation Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Computer Science Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Computer Science (MCS) Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Construction Project Management Samantha Doherty Leslie Mora
Cybersecurity Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Cybersecurity for High School Teachers Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Data Science Lori Kendall-Taylor Tom Bolio
Electrical & Computer Engineering Kira Clary Liz Desrosiers
Explosion Protection Engineering Meghan Sweeney Liz Desrosiers
Financial Mathematics Greg Cesar Michael Navarrete
Financial Technology (Fintech) Cam Rouleau Michael Navarrete
Fire Protection Engineering Meghan Sweeney Liz Desrosiers
Global Health Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Industrial Mathematics Greg Cesar Michael Navarrete
Information Security Management Elizabeth Giangrande Michael Navarrete
Information Technology Elizabeth Giangrande Michael Navarrete
Integrated STEM Education Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Interactive Media & Game Design (MFA) Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Interactive Media & Game Development Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Innovation for User Experience (IUX) Samantha Doherty Michael Navarrete
Learning Sciences & Technologies Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Life Science Management Samantha Doherty Tom Bolio
Management Cam Rouleau Grad Admissions
Manufacturing Engineering Cam Rouleau Leslie Mora
Materials Science & Engineering Cam Rouleau Leslie Mora
Mathematics for Educators (MME) Greg Cesar Liz Desrosiers
Mathematics for Educators (MMED) Greg Cesar Liz Desrosiers
MBA Analytics Samantha Doherty Michael Navarrete
Mechanical Engineering Meghan Sweeney Leslie Mora
Mechanical Engineering for Technical Leaders (METL) Meghan Sweeney Leslie Mora
Neuroscience Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Nuclear Science and Engineering Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Operations and Supply Chain Analytics Meghan Sweeney Michael Navarrete
Physics Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Physics for Educators Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Power Systems Engineering Kira Clary Liz Desrosiers
Power Systems Management Kira Clary Liz Desrosiers
Robotics Engineering Lori Kendall-Taylor Leslie Mora
Science and Technology for Innovation in Global Development Cam Rouleau Liz Desrosiers
Secure Programming Elizabeth Giangrande Tom Bolio
Supply Chain Analytics Meghan Sweeney Michael Navarrete
Supply Chain Essentials Meghan Sweeney Michael Navarrete
Systems Engineering Samantha Doherty Leslie Mora
Systems Engineering Leadership Samantha Doherty Leslie Mora
Systems Engineering PHD Jane Lesniewski Leslie Mora