three spheres spinning




Laboratory Equipment


Major Qualifying Projects

CFD in CRE IV Conference


Heat and Mass Transfer Lab


Yan Wu Yan Wu

ex-Graduate Student (MS)
Chemical Engineering

B.S. (Ch.E.); 2015 - Huaihai Institute of Technology (China)
M.S. (Ch.E.); 2018 - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Yan obtained her B.S degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology at Huaihai Institute of Technology in June 2015. She joined WPI in August 2016, working with Professor Dixon to pursue her Masters degree and graduate in 2018. Her research interests lie in the area of chemical reaction engineering, specifically using computational fluid dynamics for resolved particle simulations of fixed bed reactor tubes with thermowells for temperature measurement. Her masters thesis is entitled "CFD Study of Fixed Bed Reactor Tubes with Thermowell for Temperature Measurement". Yan is currently a research technologist at ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Research & Development Co., Ltd. in Shanghai.

Last modified:
Feb. 11, 2020

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