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Major Qualifying Projects

CFD in CRE IV Conference


Heat and Mass Transfer Lab


Stefano Rebughini Stefano Rebughini

Visiting Graduate Student (PhD)
Chemical Engineering

B.Sc. (Ch.E.); 2011 - Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

M.Sc. (Ch.E.); 2013 - Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

After completing his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Stefano began work on his Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Matteo Maestri under the Programme in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He is more specifically a member of the Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes. In October 2015 he joined WPI as an International Non-degree student for a nine-month visit as part of his Ph.D. program. He worked on the development and testing of a steady-state solver in the OpenFOAM framework for the detailed simulation of catalytic reactors, as well as cell agglomeration methods for integrating microkinetics into CFD simulation.

Stefano returned to Milan in June 2016 and has successfully defended his Ph.D. in February 2017. He is now employed in the Milan area.

(1) T. Maffei, S. Rebughini, G. Gentile, S. Lipp, A. Cuoci and M. Maestri, “CFD Analysis of the Channel Shape Effect in Monolith Catalysts for the CH4 Partial Oxidation on Rh”, Chem. Ing. Tech., 86 (2014) 1099–1106.
(2) T. Maffei, G. Gentile, S. Rebughini, M. Bracconi, F. Manelli, S. Lipp, A. Cuoci and M. Maestri “A Multiregion Operator-Splitting CFD Approach for Coupling Microkinetic Modeling with Internal Porous Transport in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors”, Chem. Eng. J., 283 (2016) 1392-1404.
(3) S. Rebughini, A. Cuoci and M. Maestri “Handling Contact Points in Reactive CFD Simulations of Heterogeneous Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 141 (2016) 240-249.
(4) S. Rebughini, A. Cuoci and M. Maestri, “Hierarchical analysis of the gas-to-particle heat and mass transfer in micro packed bed reactors”, Chem. Eng. J. (2016). doi: j.cej.2015.12.089

Last modified:
Jan. 1, 2018

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