Augmenting A Linear Algebra Course To Serve Engineering and Science Students

John Goulet, PhD

Department of Mathematical Sciences


to be presented at the Frontiers in Engineering Education Conference, November 5,2002, Boston, MA



A course taken to meet distribution requirements with questionable intrinsic value to the science and engineering students enrolled in it is studied and modified. By augmenting the core material with team projects focusing on the particular majors of the team members, the education of the students is extended in a number of ways important to the curricula they are in. The added work does not infringe on the required core material; data analysis indicates that understanding of it, as measured by final exam performance, may have even improved.

Introduction &Background

WPI is a private engineering university in central Massachusetts of about 2500 undergraduates. The more highly populated majors are Biology, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Students at WPI are as a rule required to take 6 mathematics courses to satisfy most undergraduate degree requirements.Certain degrees require additional, specific courses.Most students satisfy the requirement of 6 courses by taking Calculus I through IV, and two other courses fromDiscrete Math, Statistics Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra I. The latter two courses are taught each of the 4 terms of the year and presented in a �large lecture� format. The latter means lectures 4 times per week to a class of about 150 and one conference. Engineering students usually take Differential Equations as one course, Computer Science majors take Discrete Math, and Bio majors favor Statistics.Almost all of these students take Linear Algebra as their other course to complete the total of 6.

Referring to the Linear Algebra course, the presentation has been quite traditional: lectures on standard topics, homework, 2 exams and a final exam.The standard topics were mandated by the Department of Mathematical Sciences and included systems of equations, matrix algebra, determinants, basis and coordinates, and eigenvalues/eigenvectors.

Problem Description

The course did not have much of a reputation for being interesting. A nickname for it among students was �Mattress Algebra� presumably referring to the number of students either staying in bed when class met or falling asleep during class due to, what for them, was not stimulating material.Class attendance was sometimes as low as 50%.A survey showed students putting in about 8 hours per week of work on the course, including class time. On the other hand, WPI assumes its students will put in about 14 hours a week per course for 7 weeks. Yet students continued to take the course each year; 150 students per term for 4 terms.One had to conclude that many were taking it simply because they needed credit for a math course. In some accreditation circles, this is part of what is called �bean counting�.

The issue of student questioning the value of lower level courses had shown up before (WPI,1991). In that study of both students and alumni, between 50and 75% questioned whether their initial studies in science and mathematics were important to their future academic work at WPI.

Another reason for concern was the fact that approximately 55% of the linear algebra class were freshmen.That fact alone merits attention; the freshmen year is a critical period for a student. Furthermore, large classes are not their best friend � research shows a strong correlation between the number of small classes taken and their personal satisfaction , while other research shows a correlation between the number of small classes taken and their grades (Light, 45)

I classified the overall conditions of this course as a problem for the following reasons: given the intellectual expectations of many students, the demands of future employers, and the cost of a private education, a student should get more from the course than a check mark on a list.

Preliminary Work

While teaching in the 90s in various courses to the same population described earlier, I often grappled with the issue of motivating students and making their education more meaningful. In 1995, while teaching multivariable calculus (Calculus IV) also to a large class of 145 in a similar format, I tried one approach which gave me a glimmer of hope.

WPI has a project oriented curriculum, being a pioneer in such education, so it is common to have students work in teams on projects of various sizes. In that course, (Goulet,1997), I had students work on a project during the course in the area of fractals. Specifically, I had them work in teams of 3 arranged according to their major. In such teams, they had to investigate the fundamentals of fractals, and then research applications of fractals to whatever their field of study was. It was the latter that really got them interested. Additionally, their view of the credibility of the calculus course increased substantially.

Also in the 90s, the university took part in an NSF sponsored Institute Wide Reform (IWR) project. One component of this, which I had been an active participant in, was that of seeking and developing connections, or �bridges� between courses. The more general philosophical axiom which came with that was that courses should not be viewed as isolated intellectual activities, but that they have relations to other entities: courses, majors, attitudes and so on.A great deal of my enthusiasm for this project came from participation in the IWR program in the area of course bridging. This course, however, did not lend it self to bridging for logistical reasons. The 150 students, from the freshmen and sophomore years were simply taking far too many courses as a group to realistically considering bridging to.


When planning a large class of Linear Algebra in 1999, I viewed the course in a different light than merely delivering one of the 6 math courses they were required to take.My self defined goal became to decide how to deliver this course, given its parameters, in a way which would make the greatest contributionto the education of the students in the course.


(By �parameters� is meant the given constraints of departmental requirements of material covered, large class size, and student backgrounds).


Such a question has many answers, many of which depend on how one defines �education�.Given my prior experiences, I arrived at the following answer: it should do as much as possible to relate linear algebra to each students chosen major.


I realized that in some ways over the years, my courses had perhaps been a one way street in the sense that a certain course would be delivered and that would be independent of who was in it. This did not mean I did not read the class list carefully and consider the individuals and what I knew of them. But the course content would not change. Sort of a �one size fits all� approach. Yet the class consists of individuals, each with his or her own academic needs.

I started seriously considering what those needs might be by looking at each person�s major. Having done that, I then asked how can this course relate to this particular major? This meant I had to do some learning. I have a lot of experience with linear algebra and know many applications of it, yet to ask, for example, what use is this course to a Civil Engineering major, meant I had to do some work. It also meant the street was now two way. I was helping the students learn mathematics and I was in turn learning about the students. Even though the class consisted of 155 students, they were 155 individuals, with their own needs.

Who were they? For the class I instructed in the Spring of 2001, their majors broke down as:

Bio��������� 9(6%)

Civil Engineering4 (3%)

Computer Science55 (35%)

Electrical and Computer Engineering47 (30%)

Mechanical Engineering29(19%)

Others (Math, Physics, non declared)11(7%)


The course would have two components: a core component covering the traditional mathematics (see earlier list) required by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and a project component organized according to major.The core material would be covered in class, still in a traditional manner (textbook, homework, exams and so on). Theprojects, on the other hand, would be done outside of class, in teams, and turned in weekly or biweekly. This represented a fairly gentle shift from an instructor oriented course to a more student oriented one, since the project work would be done entirely outside of class. Such approaches are supported elsewhere in engineering education (Catalano).


Integration of Projects

This would hardly the first time a course in Mathematical Sciences had weekly activity outside of the normal classroom based material, calculus labs being a regular thing. These had met with varying degrees of success and failure.One lesson learned by two of us at WPI was that the collection of activities should have a common theme throughout them, to the maximum possible extent. I had learned this while providing a collection of projects on statistical quality control (Goulet,1995), while Nick Kildahl of the Chemistry Department had found the same in a revised set of chemistry labs (WPI,2001). Since mathematics is often a cumulative, sequential subject, essentially one week would build upon the week before, with fundamentals being established in the first couple of weeks leading to more applied work in the last week. Viewed from an educational outcomes perspective, I was attempting to increase by one level, perhaps two. Specifically aimed at were application and synthesis (Bloom et al ,231-295).

Fundamental Question

Could this course, modified as it was, still provide an adequate basic preparation in linear algebra while also linking the material to the students majors in a substantial way?


Project Tracks � Discussion


Biologists would focus on populations and related issues. The foundation would be the Leslie Population Model, the final goal being to mathematically model the spread of aids in the US population. While the major has many facets to it, almost all biologists ultimately consider issues relating to population whether they are at the microorganism level, generating pharmaceuticals for human populations, genetics, or the spread of disease.


Civil Engineers manage resources and projects. The initial goal would be to study Linear Programming which is concerned with optimizing results while maintaining physical constraints.Eventually they would apply this to understanding the quantitative side of project management, through the Critical Path Method (CPM) model. Finally they would consider problems of Massachusetts� infamous Big Dig construction project.


Computer Science students, by the very nature of the subject, study algorithms and write code to implement algorithms. Since linear algebra is full of algorithms, they are an easy group to serve. Their remarks always indicate they like writing code to perform real tasks such as solving systems of equations and matrix algebra. Most of the programs are interactive, which is good experience for them.


Electrical and Computer Engineering majors study a variety of areas including signal analysis and circuits.Signal analysis rests, to a significant extent, on application of Fourier Series (Lathi), for example. Fourier Series, in turn, is a product of the concept of orthogonal basis in linear algebra. Closely related is the Fourier Transform, an important example of a linear transformation, a common topic in linear algebra courses. Such work also gave me the opportunity to introduce the students to an absolutely marvelous book on voice, Fourier Analysis and trigonometry (Gleason,1995).


One pleasant, coincidental event took place: many of the ECE students in the course were simultaneously taking a course in their own department in Signal Processing which indeed did use Fourier Methods. For these students, the two courses developed a natural, complementary relationship.


Mechanical Engineers also have diverse concerns, but a common and important one is that of vibrations.Previous links between courses had built a strong relationship with one mechanical engineering professor who enthusiastically offered advice and specialized lectures.The ultimate goal of studying vibrations, it was decided, was to examine the phenomenon of resonance. Mechanical engineers come to such a course with an intuitive notion of linearity, having seen it in physics classes under the name of superposition. It was important to take advantage of this.


Project Tracks � Implementation

All groups worked on projects which were either 1 or 2 weeks in duration, for a total of 5 weeks.They turned in one document per team. The projects were cumulative in the sense that each one built on the prior one. The earlier projects established basics while the final project was much more applied, required a decision or recommendation to be made, and tended to be more open ended. The earlier projects established links to linear algebra; the latter projects moved towards science and engineering in ways consistent with the philosophy of education they would see in upper level work at WPI. The particular projects were:



��������� week 1: the Leslie population model

��������� week 2: the Leslie model applied to the US population

��������� week 3: a quantitative look at the spread of HIV

��������� weeks 4 and 5: develop a model showing the potential impact of an

������������������ HIV vaccine

Civil Engineering

��������� week 1: Linear Programming (optimization) formulation

��������� week 2: the Simplex Algorithm

��������� week 3&4: Project Management � the Critical Path Method

��������� week 5: the Big Dig � lessons learned

Computer Science

��������� weeks 1 and 2: software for Gauss-Jordan Elimination

��������� week 3: software for matrix algebra

��������� week 4: choice of dominant eigenvalue computation or graph theory

��������� week 5: the Sierpinski Triangle


Electrical and Computer Engineering

��������� week 1: electrical circuits and systems of equations

��������� week 2&3: Fourier Basics

��������� week 4: Sound and Sound Files

��������� week 5: Voice Print engineering

Mechanical Engineering

��������� weeks 1 and 2: ordinary differential equations and mass spring

systems (unforced)

��������� week 3: forced mass spring systems � superposition

��������� week 4&5: Fourier Series and Resonance

(A detailed course description, including projects, may be found at Goulet,2001 ).

Data From Final Exams

I taught the course without the major project tracks in 1998, and again with the project tracks as described above in 1999 and 2001.In 1998 ,1999 and 2001 identical final exams were given, testing only the core material. 1998 is treated as the control. Results were:



average n=143

1998 std dev

1999 average


1999 std dev

2001 average


2001 std dev

1999 vs 1998

2001 vs 1998

question 1









question 2









question 3









question 4









question 5


















*weights by question of .2,.2,.3,.1,.2 were used to compute the overall exam grade

For sake of completeness, the topics on the 5 questions were: behavior of dynamical systems, a proof of the coordinate formula for orthogonal coordinates, matrix diagonalization, a choice of proofs, and a problem on matrix algebra and limits.

Discussion of Data

My original hope was that the students might carry the additional load of working on projects and still learn as much core material as before. The data above suggests they may have done better than that. The overall final grade average for 1999 is significantly better than 1998, and the 2001 average is within a whisker of also being significantly better. In each case, it is achieved on the strength of two questions � 1 and 2 in 1999 and 2 and 3 in 2001.I am pleased that question 2 was consistently better than the control.The problem it is based on provides the basic algebraic result at the heart of Fourier Series.Since both the electrical and mechanical groups used Fourier Series, it is pleasing that they were able to also grasp the foundations as well as the applications.



Personal Growth Considerations

We hope for many things to emerge out of the freshman and sophomore years beyond simple academic credit.The WPI education, as it applies to juniors and seniors, emphasizes project work and team work.This course gave students a chance to meet other students in their major and work with them, giving them an earlier start in both areas, as well as informal but valuable opportunities to learn what the major was really like.I did not fully appreciate the opportunity until I asked them during the first few classes to form teams according to their majors, and any number of them came to me and said �I don�t know anyone here in my major�. In the Harvard study, the following quote is very relevant here: �substantive work in the sciences should be structuredto involve more interaction with other students and with faculty members� (Light 2001, 75 ).

As the course evolved, I would get two kinds of visitors to my office: individual students wanting help with core material (�can you show me how to do this problem?�), and project teams wanting to discuss a project.The latter were most enjoyable.Since the team members all had the same major, they took on an identity because of that, and I treated them that way. I tried to ask at least as many questions as I answered (�You guys are electrical engineers � how do YOU think it ought to be done? Does this math make any sense?�). My attitude was that engineering is much more than computations � with issues like interpretation and decision making. Anything that fostered such events was desirable.


Conclusion and Summary

The standard core material to the linear algebra course was retained while augmenting it with tracks of projects by major.Students were able to perform as well or better than in the control while carrying the additional workload.Additionally, contributions to other areas of their education such as project work, team work, and problem solving may also have been made. Finally, the course and its material had more relevance and meaning with regard to their overall education.




Bloom B., Madaus,G., and Hastings, J.1981.Evaluation to Improve Learning. New York, McGraw-Hill.


Catalano, G. and Catalano, K. 1999. �Transformation: From Teacher Centered to Student Centered Engineering Education�. Journal of Engineering Education, 88(January):59-64.


Gleason, Alan (translator). 1995.Who is Fourier?. Boston, Language Research Foundation.


Goulet, John. 1995. �Calculus, Bell Shaped Curves and Global Competition.�Primus, 5(March): 37-42.


_____. 1997. �Making Students Independent Learners � Fractal Projects� Creative Math Teaching , 4(1): 1-3.

____. 2001. Course syllabus.


Lathi, B.P. 1998.Signal Processing and Linear Systems. Carmichael CA, Berkeley-Cambridge Press: 171-234.


Light, Richard J. 2001. Making the Most of College. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001:45.


Worcester Polytechnic Institute. �The First Year Learning Experience � A Report to the New England Association of Schools and Colleges�, WPI, June 1991.


_____. The Center for Educational Development, Technology, and Assessment, Workshop �Labs: Why and How?� Worcester, April 13, 2001.