Department of Management
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, MA 01609
(508) 831-5548; fax: (508) 831-5720
Research Interests: Marketing strategy, supply chain management, strategic alliances, marketing information management, innovation management.
Teaching Interests: Marketing management, industrial marketing, management of technology and innovation.
EDUCATIONDepartment of Management 9/90 - present Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 Associate Professor - Tenured (7/96 - present) Assistant Professor, Department of Management (9/90 - 6/96) Department of Business Administration 1/90 - 5/90 LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY 13214 Instructor School of Management 9/84 - 12/89 Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 Teaching Assistant/Adjunct Instructor
"Powder Metallurgy and Near Net Shape Metal Processing: Phase II the Study of a Fragmented Manufacturing Industry in Transition" $241,211 for three years from the Alfred. P. Sloan Foundation (Co-PIs: Diran Apelian and Chickery J. Kaso uf; Co-Investigators: Jacqueline Isaacs, Northeastern University and Kevin G. Celuch, Illinois State University). Awarded 12/97.
This grant extends the work of the Phase I grant (see below) into four areas suggested by the results of the previous research and extensions into other metal processing industries. These areas include: buyer-seller relationships, cost estimation, com petitive advantage, and customer satisfaction.
"A Study of the Role of Technological Innovation in the P/M Industry" $28,000 for one year from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Co-PIs: Diran Apelian and Chickery J. Kasouf). Awarded 10/97).
This grant funds the PMRC's participation in the innovation study of the Science, Technology, and Education Board of the National Academy of Sciences.
"North American Powder Metallurgy Parts Manufacturing: A Study of a Fragmented Industry in Transition" $296,544 for three years from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Co-PIs: Chickery J. Kasouf and David C. Zenger). Awarded 10/93.
This is one of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's 12 Industry Centers, and the first center for the study of a small, fragmented supplier industry. Other Sloan supported centers are at Harvard (textiles, managed health care), MIT (motor vehicles, pharma ceuticals), Stanford (computers), California-Berkeley (semiconductors), Carnegie Mellon/University of Pittsburgh (steel), Wharton (financial services), Minnesota (food), and Michigan State/Cornell (trucking), and Texas (Construction). The research suppor ted by this grant involves five faculty members and supports two graduate students on year round appointments for the duration of the grant. The research is addressing four interrelated issues facing P/M parts manufacturers: interfirm relationships, pro duct costing, value creation, and globalization.
Sloan Foundation funding has been augmented by industry support in the form of 18 members who currently pay dues of $15,000/year and a grant from the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (PI: Diran Apelian). These companies represent a cross sectio n of the P/M industry, including P/M part producers, powder producers, equipment manufacturers and customers (Ford and GM Powertrain). These funds support management and engineering research at WPI.
"Capability Study of the Powder Injection Molding Industry" $28,937 FOR ONE YEAR from the Army Research Laboratory in Watertown, MA. (Co-PIs: Chickery J. Kasouf and David C. Zenger). Awarded 5/94.
The P/MRC was approached by Army staff to replicate the P/M industry study for the Army (in conjunction with the South Korean Defense Department) to generate a situation analysis of metal injection molding for weapons design. The grant provided summer support for two faculty, student stipend support for six months, supplies, and travel. Results were used by ARL to identify research priorities of the industry and guide ARL's SBIR process. ARL staff presented the results in South Korea as part of the Nunn Project.
Internal Funding
"Organizational Learning in a Turbulent Environment: A Qualitative Study of Biotechnology Firms at Differing Stages of Development" $1,600 for transcribing costs for a study of biotechnology management from WPI's Applied Bioengineering Cente r (with Michael B. Elmes and David Wilemon).
JOURNAL ARTICLES"Market Oriented Behaviors Within Organizations: An Individual Level Perspective, " Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, in press, Spring 1999 (with Jeffrey C. Strieter and Jevin G. Celuch).
"Interfirm Relationships in the Supply Chain: The Small Supplier's View, " Industrial Marketing Management, 1997, 26 (6), 475-486 (with Kevin G. Celuch).
"Industrial Analytical Operations: Organizational Implications of Automation, " Critical Reviews of Analytical Chemistry, 1995, 25 (3), 195-202 (with Joel K. Swadesh).
"Consumer Complaints as Market Intelligence: Orienting Concept and a Conceptual Framework, " Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, 1995, 8, 59-68 (with Kevin G. Celuch and Jeffrey C. Strieter).
"Knowledge Workers and Organizational Learning: Narratives from Biotechnology," Management Learning, 1995, 26 (4) 403-422 (with Michael B. Elmes).
"Particulate Materials Research and Education at Worcester Polytechnic Institute: A Multidisciplinary Approach," International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 1994 (1), 9-20. (with David C. Zenger and P. Ulf Gummeson).
"Cue Prominence as a Determinant of VMH Obesity, " Psychological Reports, June 1974 (1131-1136). (with John J. Colby and Steven Misovich).
"Market Orientation Within Organizations: An Initial Test of an Individual-Level Framework," to be presented to the American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference (with Kevin G. Celuch and Jeffrey C. Strieter), to be presented A ugust 16, 1998.
"The Role of Project Learning in Marketing Education," special session, American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference (with Kevin G. Celuch, Andrew M. Forman, and Debbie Thorne LeClair), to be presented, to be presented August 1 7, 1998.
"Market Entry Strategies of Small Automotive Suppliers," Proceedings of the 1997 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, 94-97, presented July 29, 1997 (with Kevin G. Celuch and Swati Nigam).
"A Framework for Individual Use of Market Information," Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, FL, 216-223, (with Kevin G. Celuch and Jeffrey C. Strieter), presented May 30, 1997.
"Customer Service and Engineering Cost: Impact of Overhead Allocation," Proceedings of the 1996 World P/M Congress, Washington, DC, June 17, 1996 (with David C. Zenger, Juan C. Chavas, and Brian C. Prunier).
"Global Component Sourcing: A Comparison of U.S. and Overseas Supplier Relations, in Proceedings of the 1995 Global Vehicle Development Conference, Dearborn, MI, 5 - 12 (with William F. Jandeska and David C. Zenger), presented December 12, 1995.
"Knowledge Workers and Organizational Learning: Narratives from Biotechnology," presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, August, 1995 (with Michael B. Elmes).
"Organizational Learning: Lessons for P/M in Competitive Supplier Markets," Proceedings of the 1994 World Powder Metallurgy Congress, Paris France, (with Arthur Gerstenfeld and Michael B. Elmes), presented June 7, 1994.
"Threats to P/M: An Analysis of Competitive Technologies," Proceedings of the 1994 World Powder Metallurgy Congress, Paris France, (with David C. Zenger, Diran Apelian, and P. Ulf Gummeson), presented June 7, 1994.
"P/M R&D Priorities: An Industry Assessment," Proceedings of the 1994 PM2Tech Conference in Toronto, Canada, (with David C. Zenger, Diran Apelian, and P. Ulf Gummeson), presented May 1994.
"The Plight of Fragmented Manufacturing Industries - Development of Human Capital," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, San Francisco, CA, March 1994 (with Diran Apelian, David C. Zenger, and P. U lf Gummeson).
"A Quadratic Model for Allocating Student Financial Aid in Higher Education," presented at the 1993 Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, DC. (with Frank Noonan, Sharon A. Johnson, Michael Curley, and Robert Voss), presente d November 1993.
"The Product Review and Elimination Process: Factors Associated with an Effective Product Mix," in Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Engineering Design, The Hague, The Netherlands (with Paul H. Zinszer), presented August 199 3.
"P/M Education Priorities: Perspectives of Managers, Academics, and Consultants," in Proceedings of the 1993 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Kyoto, Japan (with David C. Zenger, Diran Apelian, P. Ulf Gummeson, and Michael Ahearne), presente d July 1993.
"The Product Review and Elimination Process: Considering Wholesaler and Retailer Relations," in Proceedings of the 1992 Western Decision Sciences Institute, (with Paul H. Zinszer), presented March 27, 1992.
"The Relationship between the Product Review Process and Organizational Strategy," in Proceedings of 1991 Northeast Business and Economics Association, (with Paul H. Zinszer), presented November 7, 1991.
"Integrating the Product Review Process and Firm Strategy," in Proceedings of the 1989 Southern Marketing Association, October 1989 (with Frances Gaither Tucker and Paul H. Zinszer), presented November 9, 1989.
"Individual Antecedents of Information Use: A Study of Metal Processing Suppliers," presented at the 1998 CBIM/ISBM Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 19, 1998 (with Kevin G. Celuch, and Jeffrey C. Strieter).
"Competitive and Economic Performance in The Powder Metallurgy Industry," presented to the Science, Technology, and Economic Policy Board of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, December 7, 1997 (with Diran Apelian, John J. Healy , and P. Ulf Gummeson).
"Issues Affecting Performance and Innovation in the Powder Metallurgy Industry," presented to the Science, Technology, and Economic Policy Board of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, June 28, 1997 (with Diran Apelian).
"Project Based Education at WPI," presented at the February 1997 meeting of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (with MacRae C. Banks, and Helen Vassallo).
"A Framework for Individual Use of Market Information," presented at the 1996 Symposium on Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization (with Kevin G. Celuch and Jeffrey C. Strieter, Lancaster University, UK, September 3, 1996.
"The Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center: Reengineering Management Research," presented at the 1996 Society for the Advancement of Management International Management Conference on Reengineering, March 14, 1996.
"Undergraduate Project Based Education: The WPI Model," presented at the 1996 Society for the Advancement of Management International Management Conference on Reengineering, March 16, 1996 (with Helen G. Vassallo).
"Assessing Value Added Engineering: The Challenge for Auto Suppliers," presented at Marketing Intangibles: Business to Business Services and Service Businesses, Atlanta, GA, January 6, 1996 (with David C. Zenger and Brian C. Prunier).
"Organizational Evolution and Learning: The Impact of Management Challenges on the Perceptions of Scientists and Managers," presented at the Fall 1995 INFORMS Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 30, 1995 (with Michael Elmes and David Wilemon) .
"A Qualitative Study of Organizational Learning in Four Biotechnology Firms: A Focus on Critical Events," presented at the 1995 INFORMS International Meeting, Singapore, June 26, 1995 (with Michael B. Elmes and David Wilemon).
"Biotechnology Management: Factors Affecting Cross Functional Integration," presented at the 1994 TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting in Boston, MA, April 1994 (with Michael B. Elmes and David Wilemon).
"Coordinating International Product Diversion to Achieve Preferred Prices, presented at the 1994 TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting in Boston, MA, April 1994 (with Paul H. Zinszer).
"Consumer Complaint Handling: An Organizational Learning Framework," presented at the ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 3, 1993 (with Jeffrey C. Strieter and Kevin G. Celuch).
"Innovation and Learning in a Turbulent Environment: The Challenges for Biotechnology," presented at the TIMS/ORSA Joint Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL May 19, 1993 (with Michael B. Elmes and David Wilemon).
"Integrating the Product Life Cycle with Financial Planning," presented at TIMS/ORSA Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN May 17, 1991 (with Paul H. Zinszer).
"Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances in Small Supplier Firms," testimony to the Federal Trade Commission Joint Venture Project, June 24, 1997, Washington, DC.
"Interfirm Relationships in the Powder Metallurgy Parts Industry," testimony to the Federal Trade Commission Hearings on Global and Innovation Economy in the Session "Small Businesses' Ability to Compete in a Changing Global, Innovation Based Economy," November 8, 1995, Washington, DC.
"The Impact of ITC on Small Business Investment," Rochester Business, November 1985 (9-11) (with Roger H. Ford).
Market Information Use in P/M Organizations (with Kevin G. Celuch, Jeffrey C. Stieter, and Swati Nigam), research report, Powder Metallurgy Research Center.
Globalization in the P/M Parts Industry (with Kevin G. Celuch and Swati Nigam), research report, Powder Metallurgy Research Center (1996).
A Study of the Powder Injection Molding Industry: A Final Report (with David C. Zenger), Watertown, MA: U.S. Army Research Laboratory (1995).
The P/M Delphi Study: A Final Report (with David C. Zenger, P. Ulf Gummeson, and Diran Apelian), Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation (1994).
Interfirm Relationships in the P/M Parts Industry (with Kimberly A. George), research report, Powder Metallurgy Research Center (1994).
"OEM Expectations in the Supply Chain: The Perspective of P/M Customers," working paper (with Swati Nigam).
"The Sloan P/M Industry Studies: The Next Phase," presented in "The Dynamics of a Changing Industry," a Special Interest Session at the 1998 PM2TEC Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 3, 1998.
"The Market Driven Organization: Individual Factors that Affect Information Use," presented at the 1997 Meeting of the Medical Surgical Marketing Research Group, October 12, 1997, Chicago, IL.
"Management Issues and Challenges for the P/M Industry in a Global Economy," presented at the 1997 PM2TEC Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 30, 1997 (with Diran Apelian and Kevin G. Celuch).
"The P/M Parts Industry: Challenges and Opportunities in a Global Economy," presented at the 1997 Powder Metallurgy Parts Association Meeting, Bermuda, March 17, 1997 (with Diran Apelian).
"Update of P/M Research at WPI," presented to the Annual Alfred P. Sloan Industry Centers Meeting, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA, April 3, 1997 (with Diran Apelian).
"Globalization in the P/M Parts Industry," presented to the Steering Committee of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center, March 6, 1996.
"Update of P/M Research at WPI," presented to the Annual Alfred P. Sloan Industry Centers Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, April 18, 1996 (with David Zenger and P. Ulf Gummeson).
"Globalization in the P/M Parts Industry," presented to the Steering Committee of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center, March 6, 1996.
"Update of P/M Research at WPI," presented to the Annual Alfred P. Sloan Industry Centers Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, April 19, 1995 (with David Zenger and P. Ulf Gummeson).
"Summary of Interfirm Relations in the P/M Parts Industry," presented to the Steering Committee of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center, April 11, 1995.
"The Carl Gunnard Johnson P/MRC: An Interdisciplinary Research Initiative," presented to the Industrial Performance Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, March 24, 1995. (with Diran Apelian and David C. Zenger).
"Progress Report: Interfirm Relations in the P/M Parts Industry," presented to the Steering Committee of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center, November 29, 1994.
"The Carl Gunnard Johnson P/MRC: An Interdisciplinary Research Initiative," presented to Hoeganaes Corporation, Riverton, NJ, September 13, 1994 (with Diran Apelian, David C. Zenger, and P. Ulf Gummeson).
"P/M Education and Research at WPI," presented to the Industry Development Board of the Metal Powder Industries federation, Princeton, NJ, September 12, 1994 (with David C. Zenger).
"Progress Report: Interfirm Relations in the P/M Parts Industry," presented to the Steering Committee of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center, April 19, 1994.
"Progress Report to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alfred P. Sloan Industry Study Centers, April 14, 1994, Palo Alto, CA (with Diran Apelian and David C. Zenger).
"The Carl Gunnard Johnson P/MRC: An Interdisciplinary Research Initiative," presented at a seminar for the Manufacturing Management students and faculty, January 15, 1994 (with David C. Zenger).
"Overview of the P/MRC Management Studies," presented at the Founders Meeting of the Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center at WPI, October 12, 1993.
"The P/M Delphi Study Final Report," presented to the Metal Powder Industries Federation Fall Management Conference, Beaver Creek, CO, October 12, 1993 (with David C. Zenger).
"P/M Delphi Study Update," presented to the Metal Powder Industries Federation Board of Directors, Newark, NJ, April 15, 1993 (with David C. Zenger).
"Innovation and Organizational Learning in a Turbulent Environment: A Cross Case Analysis of Biotechnology Firms at Differing Stages of their Development," presented to the Center for Innovation Management Studies, Bethlehem, PA, November 12, 1992 (with Michael B. Elmes and David Wilemon).
"The WPI Carl Gunnard Johnson P/M Research Center: Education and Research Perspectives," presented to the Metal Powder Industries Federation Fall Management Conference, Turnberry Isle, FL, October 12, 1992 (with David C. Zenger and P. Ulf Gum meson).
Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining
Behavior (1997, 1998)
Reviewer, Academy of Marketing Science (1994, 1997)
Session Chair, Portland International Conference on the Management of
Engineering and Technology (1997)
Secretary, Boston APMI (1994)
Membership Coordinator, Boston APMI (1993)
Reviewer, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (1993)
Reviewer, Academy of Business Administration (1993)
Session Chair, TIMS/ORSA (1993)
Book Reviewer, American Management Association (1992)
Track Chair, Western Decision Sciences Institute (1992)
Session Chair, Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (1992)
Discussant, Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (1992)
Discussant, Northeast Business and Economics Association (1991)
Board of Directors, Crown Hill Neighborhood Association (1994-present)CORPORATE TRAINING/CONSULTING
Cherry Semiconductor (1997), East Greenwich, RI, Consulted in the strategic planning process.
Planet Corporation, Worcester, MA (1996), Consulted in new product development planning.
Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA (1992 - 1993): Taught marketing management in the Program Manager Certificate Program (training for middle managers).
Central New York Small Business Development Center, Syracuse, NY, 1988: Taught marketing management to small business owners in an incubator center.
Committee on Academic Policy (1997 - present)
Interviewed students for the London Project Center for AY 98-99 (1997)
Project Board (1996 - 1997)
Served on an ad hoc committee to redesign ID 2050 (1997)
Management Department Special Events Committee (1996-1997)
Strategic Planning Steering Committee (1996 - 1997)
Faculty Search Committee: MIS/Finance (1995 - 1996)
MBA Director Search Committee (1995)
Management Undergraduate Committee (1995 - present)
Committee on Student Advising (1994 - 1997; secretary AY 1995)
Clark-WPI Graduate Management Program Merger Task Force (1994)
Advisor, Management Society (1994-1997)
Member of Entrepreneurship Interface Discipline (1994)
Member of Health Sciences Interface Discipline (1994)
WPI representative to WCHE College Opportunity Program (1993 - present)
Barton-Gillet Client Committee (1993 - 1994)
Black History Month Committee (1993 - 1994)
College Board Community Assessment Program Client Committee (1993)
Management Undergraduate Committee (1993)
Faculty Consultant, New Student Orientation (1991 - 1994)
MBA Director Search Committee (1991)
Ad hoc Positioning Committee (1991)
Marketing Task Force (1990 - 1991)
Elected to Sigma Beta Delta (1997)
Elected to Sigma Mu Epsilon (1994)
Advised Finalist for President's IQP Award (1992)
Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association (1988)
Teaching Fellow, Syracuse University (1988)
Elected to Alpha Mu Alpha (1985)
Elected to Beta Gamma Sigma (1984)
Providence College Dean's List (1974 -1975)
Providence College Athletic Scholarship (1971 - 1975)
American Marketing Association
Academy of Marketing Science
American Powder Metallurgy Institute
The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences