Robotics Engineering

Robotics Engineers build robots using Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Electrical & Computer Engineering. Research focus areas include human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence, medical robotics, and kinematics and control systems.

Sample Companies that have Hired WPI Robotics Engineering Graduates

Accudyne Systems
Auro Robotics
Bossa Nova Robotics
Cognex Corporation
Naval Air Systems Command
Putnam Investments
Toyota Research Institute
Vecna Robotics

Sample Graduate Schools

Carnegie Mellon University
Johns Hopkins University
University of Michigan
University of Utah
University of Waterloo
Average Starting Salary:
$81,618 (2020)
Learn more about Robotics Engineering at WPI.
Sample Job Titles:
Software Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Hardware Engineer
R&D Product Development Engineer
Quality Control Engineer
Front End Developer
Transportation Engineer
Sample Major Qualifying Projects:
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
DEPUSH HexCrawler
PARbot: Personal Assistive Robot
Rehabilitative Robotic Glove

Program Tracking Sheets

The Program Tracking Sheets help WPI students to plan and track progress toward their degree. Academic Advising has created tracking sheets for each major and graduation year.

Career Outcomes & Salary Data

The Career Development Center (CDC) has compiled a list of resources to help you learn about salary expectations and companies that have hired recent graduates, including the Post-Graduation Report for WPI's most recent graduating class.