Academic Resources Center

The Academic Resources Center (ARC), located on the 5th floor of Unity Hall, provides tutoring support that is designed to enhance the learning experience of WPI undergraduate students.
The student-based, collaborative learning environment of the ARC offers 1-on-1 tutoring as well as group, drop-in tutoring (called MASH - Math & Science Help) for select introductory math, science, computer science, and engineering science courses. The Academic Resources center aims to assist WPI undergraduate students in the acquisition of information, guidance towards becoming independent learners, and development of skills to accomplish their academic goals.
At the ARC you will find peer tutors who provide support for introductory math, science, and computer science courses,
Tutoring will occur within the ARC hours of operation. Actual tutoring availability for different subjects is dependent on the tutors' schedules. No tutoring will occur on days that the University is closed or when no classes are being held (holidays, wellness days, snow days). There is also no tutoring on the first two days of each term or the last two days of each term.
For the most updated list of courses that are offered for tutoring at the ARC, please visit the ARC Canvas Page.
Tutoring Options & Info
ARC tutors are accomplished WPI undergraduate students who assist peers with grasping new academic material and meeting instructors' standards. The ARC offers group, drop-in tutoring (MASH-Math & Science Help) and 1-on-1 tutoring for select introductory STEM courses. Click below to learn more about tutoring options.
Log into TutorTrac to sign up for a one-on-one tutoring appointment. View the How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment Guide for step-by-step instructions on scheduling a tutoring appointment in Tutortrac. For more information, email the Academic Resources Center, or come visit us on the fifth floor of Unity Hall.