March 16, 2022

This article is one in an occasional series about the people, offices, and services dedicated to supporting WPI students and our community.

February 24 wasn’t your typical Thursday; instead of classes, teaching, and work, students, faculty, and staff took time to focus on themselves and those around them in celebration of WeConnect Day. Music, food trucks, crafts, good company—they were all there (along with faculty-student connections, as February 24 was also Academic Advising Day). If you missed it or just want to look at more photos of the miniature horses who visited Higgins House Garden (and really, who can blame you?), we’ve put together a photo essay of the day. 

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and DoughBoyz, a breakfast catering startup founded by Justin Amevor ’20, ’22 focused on addressing food insecurity and social justice in the local community, made sure it was the most delicious.


What’s breakfast without a soundtrack from a few members of one of WPI’s jazz groups?


Boynton Hall was the place to be on Thursday, offering free books and snacks, along with a visit from therapy dog Abby.


Students grabbed paddles for some impromptu ping-pong games.


Members of the Cooking Club turned the Rubin Campus Center patio into a grilled cheese superstation, cooking up the classic lunchtime favorite for the afternoon.


Miniature therapy horses from Lifting Spirits donned their finest crimson and gray (okay, maybe it was more like red and black) and visited students in the Higgins House Garden with a little help from members of the Equestrian Team.


He may be a professor of civil, environmental, and architectural engineering, but Tahar El-Korchi is also a bread connoisseur—he set up a bread-making demonstration station to share tips on all things doughy with the community. 


Nobody knows games better than the IMGD program—it hosted an entire afternoon's worth for the WPI community to enjoy.


Students worked together to complete jigsaw puzzles throughout the day (fingers crossed for no missing pieces).


If you’re not rockin' a Pikachu onesie while playing Pokemon Go, are you really playing Pokemon Go?


On a day filled with so many activities, some students took the opportunity to slow things down with a yoga session in the Sports & Rec Center.


Gompei switched out his winter sweater for more professional attire in anticipation of the Virtual Spring Career Fair.


Students weren’t the only ones having fun on WeConnect Day—it’s safe to say visiting dogs enjoyed themselves, too!


History professors Steve Bullock and David Spanagel treated the community to a musical afternoon of covers and original tunes.


Two words: food trucks.