






WPI’s Women's Impact Network (WIN) is a women-led philanthropic organization committed to the continuous advancement of women in STEM across WPI's local and global community.

Since its inception, WIN has granted over $1 million for the support of women in STEM – providing Impact Grants to faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and alumni for projects impacting mentoring programs, career advancement, mental health, equity and accessibility initiatives, pre-collegiate K-12 programs and projects in STEM.

On Friday, April 8, WIN is honored to recognize this year's Impact Grant Awards to eight project and program recipient teams! Please join WIN virtually to witness and support the Impact Grant Award recipients – your fellow classmates, faculty, and staff. You'll also learn about WIN's plans for the future from founding WIN members, including President Laurie Leshin.

Advanced registration is required – registrants will receive the Zoom link to attend the event.

Register here.