High Performance, Reliability, and Recyclability
iMdc is a WPI-based research center dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art-and-practice in sustainable materials-process-component design and manufacturing for high-performance, reliability, and recyclability through knowledge creation and dissemination, and through education.
iMdc is formed through an industry-government-university alliance, and its program is built in direct collaboration and with active participation and insight from its industrial/government partners. The center is conducting fundamental research, which addresses well-identified industrial applications of general interest and relevance to the manufacturing sector - an "Application-Driven-Design" approach.
- Professor Lados Elected Alpha Sigma Mu Fellow and ASM Trustee
- Professor Lados Elected ASM Fellow
- Raytheon Names iMdc One of Its University Partners for Advanced Manufacturing
- iMdc Received a New DURIP-ARO Grant Featured in WPI Newsletter
- iMdc Receives International Honor for Contributions to Structural Integrity
- Professor Lados Named by Mass High Tech a 2012 "Woman to Watch"
- Congressman McGovern Visits iMdc
- TMS-DOE Energy Reports
- Life In Color: 2016 Photographic Exhibit by Diana Lados
- Beauty, Color, and Life: Photographic Exhibit by Diana Lados
More News
Upcoming Meetings
- Winter Meeting: December 5-6, 2024