- PEM fuel cell test stations (5 and 25 cm2) each with flow, pressure, humidity and temperature controllers and external electronic load (HP Model No. 6060B) and power supply (Lambda LFS-46-5)
- Equipment for fabricating membrane - electrode assemblies (MEAs)
- Equipment for casting membranes
- A cell for studying membrane conductivity under a variety of conditions
- Instron to measure membrane mechanical properties
- Solartron SI 1260 AC impedance analyzer
- Rotating disc electrode
- Nicolet Magna-IR 560 FTIR
- DuPont TGA-DSC instrument
- Tapered Element oscillating Mass (TEOM) Series 1500 PMA Pulse Mass Analyzer for TPD/TGA experiments
- Rikagu Gigerflex X-ray diffractometer
- Atomic force microscope
- AMRAY 1610 SEM with digital image processing and EDX
- Variety of catalyst preparation and characterization equipment
- Volumetric Chemisorption and BET apparatus
- Variety of catalytic micro-reactors systems
- Variety of gas chromatographs and other analytical equipment
- Ultrahigh vacuum chamber - High pressure cell for model catalyst studies. PHI model 60 vacuum chamber equipped with, AES, XPS, sputtering gun and double pass CMA, UTI 100C mass spectrometer, LEED (Varian).
- Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy for in situ studies
- Rosemount Chemiluminescence NO/NOx Analyzer NGA 2000
Last modified: October 24, 2007 09:14:47