Morgan Teaching & Learning Center

Advancing Teaching and the Professional Growth of Faculty at WPI
Teaching in WPI’s innovative project-based curriculum––and within our distinctive calendar and balance between teaching and research––is deeply rewarding, challenging, and motivating, through all stages of a faculty career. The Morgan Teaching and Learning Center maintains and strengthens instructional effectiveness, student learning, and faculty learning by offering evidence-based training and development programs, services, and resources for faculty, staff educators, and for student teaching assistants. The Center also catalyzes innovation in the curriculum and in teaching practice and brings together campus-wide communities for reflection, dialogue, and action on teaching and student learning.
The Center’s principle objectives are to:
- build the teaching knowledge and skills of all instructors in order to promote continual individual growth in teaching effectiveness and enhancement of student learning;
- support teaching and learning innovations in areas aligned with WPI's goals;
- continue developing a culture of student learning assessment to guide improvements in teaching practice and curricular change; and
- recognize teaching achievements.
The Morgan Center also coordinates campus-wide mentorship and faculty development programming for new faculty and for faculty at the Associate rank.
Throughout its work, the Center aims to advance WPI’s mission and live its values of community, inclusion, respect, innovation, and achievement.
Resources at a Glance
Teaching Innovation Grants
Teaching Innovation Grant Info
- Professional Learning Community Grants: A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a group of WPI community members from multiple disciplines engaging in collegial inquiry, action, and collective learning around a central theme in pedagogical or educational development and innovation. Awarded by the EDC, ATC, and Morgan Center. EDC-formed: People apply as individuals for a particular PLC theme, and the review committee selects a diverse group from among the applicants.
- Course and Program Projects: This grant is intended for applicants, either individuals or small groups, whose project is aimed at department or program-level impact rather than campus-wide impact. Awarded by the EDC, ATC, and Morgan Center.
- Summer Sandbox Grants: Awarded by Undergraduate Studies supporting individual faculty or groups of faculty who design and test new approaches to teaching and advising in an undergraduate summer course or project, using summer as a learning laboratory for the academic year.
This program does not fund routine updating or renewal of courses, curricula, or teaching methods.
Annual Report
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Impact Report
Academic Years 2018 - 2022
The Morgan Family and WPI
The Morgan Teaching and Learning Center is named in honor of the Morgan family’s generous philanthropy. Descendants of Charles Hill Morgan, who supervised the construction of WPI’s Washburn Shops building and also served as a WPI trustee from the university’s founding in 1865 until his death in 1911, made a gift to endow the center. Five generations of Morgans have served on the WPI Board of Trustees, and Paul S. Morgan was appointed to chair the board. The Morgan family has also been one of WPI’s most generous benefactors, establishing the Morgan-Worcester Distinguished Instructorship (for mechanical engineering faculty) and scholarships, and supporting major capital projects, including Morgan Hall residence and the renovation of the Washburn Shops.