Kristin Wobbe
157 West St. 1st floor
+1 (508) 8315375

Kristin Wobbe

Center for Project Based Learning
Director, Center for Project Based Learning
Affiliated Department or Office
Integrative and Global Studies
BA St Olaf College 1983
PhD Harvard University 1991

Project-based learning is an enormously powerful approach to education. I've been changed by it; I've watched students be changed by it. I've seen faculty develop a renewed sense of joy in teaching from using it. And now, after over a decade of using PBL with students, I'm embarking on a new phase of helping faculty implement PBL through the work of the Center for Project-Based Learning. The good news - working with faculty on PBL is as much fun as working with students!

Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Preview Quality Education Goal

Scholarly Work

Project-Based Learning in the First Year: Beyond all expectations
co-editor with Elisabeth (Lisa) Stoddard 2019

Wobbe, KK and R. Vaz. (2015) Engaging Students with Global Challenges across the Curriculum. Diversity and
Democracy, 18: 15-17. 2015

Professional Highlights & Honors
, 2016
National Academy of Engineering
, 2008

, 2001

, 1992


Inside Higher ED
Academic Minute: Project-Based Learning in Year One

In an audio segment on Inside Higher Ed's Academic Minute, Kristin Wobbe, Co-Director of the Center for Project-Based Learning, explains that project-based learning provides benefits from the beginning.

Business Officer
Teaching Students to Care

Business Officer magazine features WPI’s distinctive project-based learning curriculum and the impact of the program on student engagement in addressing human needs and social challenges.

[“Teaching Students to Care” originally appeared in the November 2017 issue of Business Officer, the monthly flagship magazine published by the National Association of College and University Business Officers in Washington, D.C.]